Geschlossene Veranstaltung

Wed | 07. May – 19.00
GRIPS Hansaplatz

Berliner Kindertheaterpreis-Gala

GRIPS und GASAG feiern 20 Jahre!

For almost twenty years, GASAG and GRIPS Theater have been awarding the Berlin Children's Theatre Prize to inspire authors to write for children and young people and to promote them in the long term. This is how new, exciting stories for young audiences are created time and again. In May 2025, the Children's Theater Prize will celebrate its 20th birthday and will be honored with a special anniversary gala at Hansaplatz.

Five authors from the last two decades have each been invited to develop a mini-drama on the question “How do we want to live in the future?”. The plays, as well as other exciting contributions, will be presented during the gala. GRIPS and GASAG want to celebrate past and future generations of authors and audiences.

More information about the anniversary:




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