Premiere Club Teleskop

Sat | 26. Apr – 18.00
GRIPS Podewil


Jugendclub Teleskop

10 €, ermäßigt 5 €
Empfohlen für class 7 - 9

Uraufführung, April 26, 2025

Eine destruktive Stückentwicklung des Club Teleskop

All the rules are in place. The joints are warmed up. The tools are ready. We are here to finally break everything that annoys, disturbs, bores, distracts or saddens us! It's going to be fantastic, loud, sparkling and liberating! And we'll just feel so much better afterwards! Can we succeed? Will we let go of all our inhibitions? Or will we end up feeling sorry again and a guilty conscience will come knocking? Can we still produce something useful from the shards or is it gone forever?

In the new play developed by Club Teleskop, young people between the ages of 12 and 15 deal with the sense and nonsense of destruction. They try to break things and learn something about themselves in the process and ask themselves whether wild destructive rage is sometimes just as important as constructive suggestions.

By and with
Lydia Harsch, Hajo Fiete Haase, Vida Hunt-Hurle, Patrick Haake, Amaru Jarrín, Henri Kamisch, Rose Migsch-Sharpe, Karl Pietzcker, Jette Reininghaus, Joscha Schütz, Leander Schulte, Rio Visaczki, Ella Selin Willeke

Artistic direction Alexander Kuen (director / theater pedagogy)
Stage / costume Jeanne Louët
Choreography & Dance Jana-Marie Schwennesen
Assistance & Theater Pedagogy Franziska Hildebrandt
Photos Sabine Alex, Patryk Witt
Documentation /Video Technology Yannick Papenfuß
Project management Laura Mirjam Walter
Technology Jerry Geiger, Moritz Becker

Premiere 26. April 2025




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