Sun | 27. Apr – 16.00
GRIPS Podewil


Ein inklusives Theaterprojekt des Club Teleskop

10 €, ermäßigt 5 €
Empfohlen für class 7 - 9

Club Teleskop is the youth club for 12 to 15-year-olds at the GRIPS Theater. This season is all about disrupting, destroying and putting things back together again. What disturbs us in this world, what do we find in broken things and what connects us in the process? What new things can be created when old things break? We will collect, write, move around a lot, break things, repair things, design stage sets, perform theater and develop our own piece together!

The “Kaputt (AT)” project is funded by Wege ins Theater, the ASSITEJ project as part of the “Kultur macht stark. Bündnisse für Bildung” funding program of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. It is a youth club project of GRIPS Werke e.V. in cooperation with the GRIPS Theater and the Comenius School.

Artistic direction Jeanne Louët & Alexander Kuen
Choreography & Movement Jana Schwennesen
Assistance Franziska Hildebrandt

Premiere April 26, 2025

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)


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