Wed | 13. Nov – 11.00 GRIPS Podewil
from 15 years


Inge Deutschkron

18 €, ermäßigt 9 €
Empfohlen für class 9 - 13

duration: 1:00 h ohne Pause

A scenic-musical reading against forgetting.

"I was obsessed with the idea that something similar should never happen again. That people could deny other people the right to life - regardless of their skin colour, religion or political views, not here and not anywhere else." Inge Deutschkron (1922-2022), survivor of the Holocaust

Inge Deutschkron was one of the 1,700 Berlin Jews who survived the systematic extermination of the National Socialists in hiding. Throughout her life, she wrote against repression and forgetting. She was a meticulous chronicler of the unimaginable atrocities committed by the Nazis, while at the same time campaigning for the silent heroes to be honoured. Her mother and she owed their survival in Berlin between 1933 and 1945 to them. In 1989, her autobiography "Ich trug den gelben Stern" became the basis for the theatre play "Ab heute heißt du Sara", which she developed with Volker Ludwig, Detlef Michel and the GRIPS ensemble. The theatre has been showing the play in repertoire since 1989 and it has lost none of its topicality to this day.

"She wore the yellow star", a collage of autobiographical texts, scene excerpts from the play and music, shows the chronology of a break in civilisation. But it also shows how much courage it takes to oppose such a development. In times of historical oblivion, resurgent right-wing radicalism, racism and anti-Semitism, telling such personal stories is the best way to provoke thought.

Reading, playing and singing Hanna Petkoff and Regine Seidler 

On the piano Martin Fonfara

Duration 1h

Price 5,50€

The mobile reading can be shown in classrooms, community halls, meeting places, libraries and on small stages.

For further information and booking requests, please contact our audience service: Vera Düwel: publikum(at)

Many thanks to the Peace Center Martin-Niemöller-Haus e.V. in Berlin for their support.


alternative dates

  • Tue | 12. Nov – 18.00
    GRIPS Podewil