Aktuelle Produktion 2024/2025: Stimme
Who hears us? Who is not heard? How can we use our voice?
We explored our voice in different ways at the children's club and put our ideas, questions, views, experiences and wishes together in a play. We'll show you when we want to use our voice, what we like and what we don't like.
Is it all just a game or where and when can we have a say?
Because: We are children and we have rights!
Premiere: 07.02.2025 at 6 pm at Grips Podewil
With: Anna, Bela, Damian, Sappho, Oskar, Paul, Levi, Fay, Maio, Sera
Direction: Jana van Beek, Kokomini Nemesi
Stage and costume: Noëmie Cassagnau
Music education: Line Papendieck
Assistant director: Josephina Zarbock
Assistance: Paul Brock.Oscar Pfeil
Technik: Jerry Geiger
Produktion 2023/2024: Macht: nix?! - Wir haben ein Problem!
Es gibt ein Problem, ein großes. Wer löst es? Wer muss es lösen? Eine Lösung zu finden, ist anstrengender als gedacht. Und obendrauf ist der Oberboss nicht auffindbar, dabei ist es doch seine Verantwortung, dieses Chaos hier zu aufzuklären! Wer entscheidet was? Alles eine Frage der Macht! Oder?
Wir wollen gemeinsam herausfinden, was Macht mit uns macht. Wir wagen uns in die Welt der Bestimmer*innen, der Chefs und Bosse und erforschen, warum die Welt so aufgebaut ist, wie sie eben ist. Und wer die Folgen von großen Entscheidungen zu spüren bekommt.
Es entsteht ein neues Stück unter der Autor*innenenschaft der Kinder. Ihre (Spiel)Ideen, Fragen, Szenen, Ansichten, Erfahrungen und Wünsche bilden die Grundlage für das Stück „Macht: nix?!“. Gemeinsam machen wir uns auf eine Reise, deren Wege und Stationen erst im Laufe der Zeit aufgedeckt werden. Abschließend präsentieren wir unsere „Reiseerfahrungen“ in Form von Theateraufführungen einem öffentlichen Publikum im GRIPS Podewil.
Von und mit: Anna, Bela, Damian, Daria, Maio, Oskar, Patty, Sami, Soraya, Taya Künstlerische Leitung: Line Papendieck, Camilla Pölzer Dramaturgie: Saskia Neuthe
Bühnen- und Kostümbild: Theresa Dorn
Assistenz: Emma Mae Steinke
Technik: Jerry Geiger
Premiere: 10. Februar 2024 18:00 Uhr
Weitere Aufführungen: 11. Februar 2024, 16:00 und 13. Februar 2024, 10:00 Schulvorstellung
Kontakt: line.papendieck(at)grips-theater.de
Current production: Marshmellow Mystery
We all know situations in which we prefer to be able to keep something to ourselves and not have to share it with others. Why else are so many diaries secured with a lock? Why is it sometimes very important to us that certain things remain secret, and when can it be good to reveal secrets? The children's club's investigations will also lead into the world of the internet, because in no other place is there so much debate about privacy and transparency.
Direction and contact: Laura-Mirjam Walter
Registration at laura-mirjam.walter[at]grips-theater.de

LEVEL FEAR (Season 20/21)
As part of the special IKARUS 21.0 edition, LEVEL FEAR was the first participatory production developed together with children to be awarded an IKARUS in the history of the prize.
LEVEL FEAR was also nominated for the Fritz Wortelmann Prize of the City of Bochum 2021, where it received the jury's commendation for its "entirely new artistic narrative form" that points to "forward-looking facets of puppet theatre".
By and with the kids club Rakete Jetzt!
For people from 9 years
Mäxy, John, Kira, Charly, Kev, Reika and Len are seven children who have one thing in common – their love for Midnight Legends, a brand new computer game that is teeming with creepy characters. As if spellbound, they spend every free minute in front of their screens, until suddenly something unexpected happens: The children are drawn into the game. Now they have to face their greatest fears and worst nightmares, because only when they have passed this challenge can they leave the virtual world again.
What is waiting for them there? This is what the story that the kids club Rakete Jetzt! will tell this season. They have come up with something very special, because they will not just tell the adventures of the children who are trapped in the game as a stage play, but rather bring the theatre to people’s homes.
All the audience will receive a book by post. They also have to download a corresponding App – then the journey can begin! There are always empty spaces on the pages of the book. Viewed through the camera of the smartphone, however, thanks to the App, the locations, characters and characters of the story appear as three-dimensional 3D animations. The book pages become a stage in miniature format and the audience can, just like the children of the story, immerse themselves in the digital worlds of horror and fear.
Publication: 15.08.2021
A free copy of the book can be pre-ordered by 25.07.2021 from walter[at]gripswerke.de, stating the postal address to which it should be sent after publication.
By and with: Marie Charlotte Andree, Ravi Bertacco, Jannes Blanck, Katka Lou Knapp, Henriette F. Reininghaus, Lili Sahi, Mattis Turgay
We thank our former GRIPS actor Axel Prahl for the guest voice of the clown Mister Strohhalmi.
Direction: Laura Mirjam Walter
Co-direction and dramaturgy: Marco Aulbach
3D Character Artist: Katarina Sologub
3D Artists: Stefanie Bürger, Johannes Zurmühlen
App development: Patrick Stengel
Sound design and music: Mats Larsson
Graphic design: Ada Favaron
Assistance: Lina Bähr
Past productions:
Egotrip (Season 19/20)
Week after week, children take to the streets at Fridays for Future to tell adults: “Don’t be so selfish, think about the consequences of your actions for the future on our planet!” Unfortunately, many of them are difficult to move towards a rethink. Wouldn’t it be ideal to have a time machine? Then
a research team could travel into the future and document what comes out of it in the end if everyone just carries on as before.
The kids club Rakete Jetzt! in its latest play development tells the story of some young people who go on such an expedition. You travel with a time machine to the year 2120 to find out how climate change has changed our world by then. They know that: If their mission succeeds, they will go down in history and in the end they will be at least as famous as Greta Thunberg.
But first there are a few things that need to be clarified. The first question is who is actually leading the team and who is in charge of the journey through time. There are also some special requests. Wouldn’t it be possible, for example, to make a short detour to 1969 to be able to attend the legendary Beatles farewell concert? Or to the Cretaceous to meet living dinosaurs! The journey through time threatens to turn into an ego trip. What does this mean for their mission?
With: Jelisaweta Ageev, Marie Charlotte Andree, Ravi Bertacco, Jannes Blanck, Zazie Blank, Ella Gregory, Katka Knapp, Yelena Morawietz, Henriette Reininghaus, Lili Sahi, Emma Sophie Sarmiento, Milan Seehusen, Mattis Turgay, Nimue Voigt
Management and direction: Laura Mirjam Walter
Dramaturgy: Marco Aulbach
Choreography: Birte Eilbrecht
Stage plastics: Laura Prestel
Sound design and music: Mats Larsson
Vocal Coaching: Bettina Koch
Assistance: Viktoria Hoyermann, Yasmin Knaute
Technology: Jerry Geiger, Florian Ehrenberg
Stage construction: Mark Eichelbaum
Internship: Lucia Köster
Premiere: 07.02.2020 at 18:00 at the GRIPS Podewil
additional performances: 08.02.2020 18:00, 09.02.2020 16:00, 18.02.2020 11:00, 19.02.2020 11:00 -
SCHWEBEN (Season 18/19)
A cross-generational production with people between 10 and 71 years of the children’s club Rakete Jetzt!.
The rocket slowly opens its doors and lets everyone in: Adults, curious people, youngsters, fans, long-time residents, teenagers and parents. They stream into the rocket, sniff, look and marvel, press flashing buttons, put on seatbelts and get ready for a flight through sound and space. With a full crew, the rocket takes off, always vertically, breaks through all weather conditions, extends its wings and becomes a spaceship.
The troupe looks weightlessly down at our little blue ball. What do the passengers on board tell each other about life down there? Are they satisfied? What lessons have they learned from the past? What are their expectations for the future? How can they steer this ship and what leads to the generational clash? The goal of the trip: A collective of experiences. Can a common life plan succeed?
After “Monster in Mir” and “All you can eat”, the kids club Rakete Jetzt! as part of the 50th GRIPS anniversary, opens its doors to adult actors and invites you to a cross-generational theatre trip.
Premiere: 08 February 2019 at 18:00 at GRIPS Podewil
Further performances: 09 February at 18:00, 10 February at 16:00, 25 May at 18:00, 26 May at 11:30, 13 June at 16:00
By and with: Nisa Atmaca, Sophie Bellen, Leni Benedetti, Miriam Bloch, Mariano de Gerard, Gil Dorff, Farah Hamad, Ella Hamdan, Ulrike Hennrich, Lia Huober, Matea Kasalo, Ksenia Kruppa, Mila Majic, Yamil Ortiz de Ora Ortiz, Eva Reuss-Richter, Petra Rosansky, Cora Seifert und Diego Trugly
Management and direction: David Vogel
Dramaturgy: Alexander Kuen
Assistance and video design: Lina Lewejohann
Composition & sound design: Alexander Maulwurf
Choreography: Anna-Sophia Fritsche
Features: Ensemble -
All You Can Eat (Season 17/18)
You can really argue about good taste. This is because our preferences are as diverse as we are. But we all have one thing in common: Hunger. Each and every one of us, throughout our lives. So, who eats and how? What habits do we follow? Which guidelines do we observe? What temptations do we resist? And what sins do we commit? Who restricts themselves how and why?
The kids club Rakete Jetzt! deals playfully, inventive, curious and daring with the big topic of "eating habits" and invites you to a big feast.
With: Alma, Diego, Edda, Ella, Farah, Gil, Ksenia, Leni, Lia, Mariano, Matea, Mila, Nisa und Sophie
Staging / Direction: David Vogel
Assistance: Jonas Baur, Sarah Diedering, Sarah Lotz
Musical support: Öz Kaveller
Participation in stage design: Tau Pibernat
Technology: Jerry Geiger
Premiere: Fri, 09.02.2018, 18:00 at GRIPS Podewil
Further dates: Sat, 10.02.2018, 18:00 at GRIPS Podewil, Sun, 11.02.2018, 16:00 at GRIPS Podewil -
Monster in Mir (Spielzeit 16/17)
Something is moving in me. It is whispering. It bubbles and rustles. It just keeps getting bigger. I feel it. It rages and screams. It dances and laughs. It has a firm grip on me, grows beyond me and now, now it's here!
The kids club Rakete Jetzt! goes in search of emotional outbursts, big and small, one’s own and those of others. The group unleashes a wild, fun-loving battle to lure them out and tame them.
Staging/Direction: David Vogel and Alexander Kuen
Musical support: Bettina Koch
Supervision of equipment: Gabrielle Renard
Assistance: Sarah Diedering and Nina Bruns
With: Diego, Edda, Gil, Ksenia, Leni, Matea, Mila, Nastassia, Nisa, Peppa, Selena and Sophia
Premiere: 08 June 2017 at GRIPS Podewil
Further dates: 09 and 10 June / at 18:00