Nora Joana Hoch lives as a dramaturge, theatre pedagogue and writer in Berlin.
From 2003 to 2009 she studied cultural studies and aesthetic practice in Hildesheim and fell more and more in love with theatre during her studies by means of free theatre projects and many internships and assistants. From 2009 to 2011 she worked in the areas of dramaturgy, theatre education and public relations at the Junge Schauspielhaus Düsseldorf. Since 2011 Nora has been working as a dramaturge and theatre pedagogue at GRIPS Theater, where she has been head of the theatre pedagogy department since 2016.
As part of her work, she is allowed to talk, play and research with hundreds of children and young people every month.
From summer 2020, Nora will be on parental leave for one year.