was born in Halle, grew up in Pankow and studied acting at the UdK Berlin.
As an actress she has performed at DT Berlin, Volksbühne and Schauspiel Magdeburg, among others. Her debut production "MEINE RUH IST HIN, MEIN HERZ IST SCHWER. HALLO REVOLUTIÖNAR!" took place at Ballhaus Naunynstraße. The production "ONE DAY I WENT TO *IDL" was invited to the Theatertreffen der Jugend 2016. Most recently she has been working with young people at the Junge DT as part of the autumn camp. In her production company "Kinderzimmer-Produktion" she made the two feature-length films "DER NEUE EICHINGER" and "KRACH DER STILLE".